Brennan Healing Science is a system of healing that combines hands-on-healing techniques with spiritual and psychological processes touching every aspect of your life. Graduates of our 4-year program are certified as Brennan Healing Science Practitioners.
Brennan Integration Work is a form of energetic body-centered personal process. Brennan Integration Practitioners receive an additional two years of training for personal and group processes. Graduates of our 6-year program are certified as Brennan Integration Practitioners.
Please note that not all of our graduates may have active healing practices.
Disclosure and Disclaimer Statement
The Barbara Brennan School of Healing Practitioner Directory can help you locate graduates of our programs. The Barbara Brennan School of Healing is not a licensing or governing body and therefore cannot be held responsible for the actions and/or abilities of any practitioners. A listing on this directory does not constitute an endorsement of any particular practitioner. Please note that the contact information for practitioners in this directory is to be used solely for professional referrals and is not to be used for marketing, solicitation or other commercial purposes.
Featured Practitioners: Graduates who are showcasing their unique practices
Brennan Integration Practitioners: Graduates of our 4-year program and our 2-year Advanced Studies program
Currently Active: Brennan Healing Science Practitioners who maintain a practice
If Left Blank: All graduates are displayed
Click here to read the BBSH Principles of Practice for all Brennan Healing Science Practitioners.
AS – Advanced Studies Program Graduate
ASBIW – Advanced Studies/Brennan Integration Work Graduate
AS3 – Teacher Training Program Graduate
TT – Teacher Training Program Graduate (prior to 2003)
BS – Bachelor of Science in Brennan Healing Science®
BIP/STP – Brennan Integration Practitioner Program Graduate (prior to 2009)
BHSP – Brennan Healing Science® Practitioner